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Projects in Ganei Tikva

About Ganey Tikva

A calm atmosphere at the center of the country
​The city of Ganei Tikva has been awarded 5 stars from the Council for a Beautiful Israel for more than 10 consecutive years. This, in combination with its cutting-edge educational system and active cultural institutions, has transformed the city into a highly desirable location for discerning young residents.

Ganei Tikva residents enjoy the city’s many parks, convenient commercial centers in each neighborhood, local health club, and two leading entertainment complexes.

Interesting places

HaBama Center
HaBama Center ​Get Excited!

​HaBama Center is considered an important cultural center and theater, and recently paved the way for other cultural institutions. The Center offers a wide range of activities in theater, music, dance, film, children's theater, and more

Leader Sport Center
Leader Sport Center The Most Advanced, State-of-the-Art Sports & Leisure Center

​The Center encourages healthy and active lifestyles, and offers professional fitness training. There are a variety of sports classes for adults and children which can easily transform participants into active athletes, whether for leisure or competitive sport

Ayelet Climbing Wall
Ayelet Climbing Wall Climb Next Door

​The climbing wall is located in the air-conditioned sports center near the Kiryat Ono mall. There are over 1,000 square meters of fun and challenging climbing activities for everyone aged five and up