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Relocating? Pack Efficiently for a Pleasant Move

​Chosen your dream apartment? Now it's time to plan the move, choose a reliable moving company, and start packing. Below you'll find helpful tips for each step. Good luck!

Green Construction for Better Quality of Life & Environmental Protection

​​The construction field has developed eco-friendly building practices, which take energy efficiency, recycling, the natural environment and protection of it into consideration, all while maintaining the residents' quality of life

Home Design

Our goal is to give you a comfortable, practical environment that you can then design according to your personal tastes. Here you will find a range of home design tips, trends, and information

Everything You Need to Know About Your Contract

Before you get caught up in daydreaming about interior design, pay close attention to one of the most important steps: signing the contract. Read on for all the information you need about the different parts of the contract, securities for the transaction, and the developer liability

Choosing the Right Mortgage for You

​Before you take out a mortgage, it's important to carry out market research so you understand all the components of a loan, choose the best monthly payment plan, and find the mortgage that best suits your personal needs

What is Environmental Development?

Environmental development is the direct result of investment in infrastructure, scenic surroundings, green areas, and public spaces. The planning of green areas takes into account water conservation issues, as well as how best to adapt vegetation to the local climate, while all new facilities are constructed in line with the specific needs of the local community