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Projects in the City

About Harish

Africa Israel Residences is coming to Harish.

Surrounded by green hills, and a five-minute drive from Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Harish is the newest neighborhood to be introduced to Africa Israel Residences' Savyonim brand. Modern and advanced urban planning fully utilize the area, which includes many lush fields, public buildings, educational institutions, and extensive public transportation infrastructure – all of which have transformed Harish into the next step for the Israeli family.

Interesting places

Ein Arubot Nature Reserve
Ein Arubot Nature Reserve ​In the Shade of the Fig Trees

​The nature reserve has two seasonal springs and many native plants. During the British Mandate, walls were built around the springs to create two pools which are home to watercress and duckweed plants

Through the Kibbutz Orchard
Through the Kibbutz Orchard A Family Experience

​A lively experience that combines a number of kibbutz activities, including the petting zoo, a tour of the orchard, the milking barn and cowshed, and more

Plants and Reptiles Farm
Plants and Reptiles Farm ​Not Just for the Brave and the Bold

​Located in Moshav Talmei Elazar (near Hadera), the farm provides guided tours that introduce the whole family to the world of carnivorous plants and reptiles. A museum also displays historical artifacts